The traditional school sometimes muffles in children the natural curiosity and healthy interest in everything new including who’s vs whose meaning. Here’s how to help your child fall in love with school.

Many parents are thinking about how to help their child love learning. After all, then the learning process will be greatly facilitated. Here are some interesting tips for keeping your child interested in learning.


Two boy kid lay down on floor and reading tale book in preschool library,Kindergarten school education concept.

These are playful elements in education, which are used both in elementary grades and in teaching teenagers. Most children love computer games and, so gamification makes the educational process more fun and helps the child to love school. Another Soviet teacher Konstantin Ushinsky to the question “How to love learning?” recommended the use of game exercises, such as contests.

Game elements are introduced into training in different ways. For example, at Foxford’s online home school, where children from different parts of the world study remotely, they are already given experience points for completing assignments. Each task has a difficulty level: from introductory to olympiad. Experience points are summed up and allow you to move from level to level.

Gamification is one of the main trends in the education of the future and a real opportunity to interest a child in learning. Children are much more willing to sit down to study if their homework is interactive, as in Foxford’s Externship. And, on the contrary, you don’t want to study at all if you have asked for boring rewriting of text by hand, and the weather is beautiful outside the window.

Perspective vision
How to love learning at school? Understand why this is needed.

Sometimes the disciplines taught seem monotonous and useless, but if you look at the bigger picture, it becomes clear that future career, salary and status in society can depend on knowledge of chemistry or computer science. After all, studying at school is the first step towards a dream profession.

This method is suitable for teenagers and high school students who are old enough to start thinking about the future. It is better to try on various specialties with a professional tutor.

Personalization as a way to keep your child interested in learning
If a child does not understand how to love school and study, the format of work may not suit him. There can be many reasons, for example, a student:

does not understand the explanations of specific teachers;
hesitates to ask questions so as not to seem stupid;
intimidated by the teacher, afraid that they will swear at him.
Individualization of the educational process will solve these problems. In a mass school, where there are up to 30 people in a class at a time, teachers do not have time to focus on each student individually – they need to keep up with the program, and if someone lags behind, this is his problem.

But the individualization of learning is a lot of work. Online schools will come to the rescue. For example, Foxford’s online home school will help you determine the strengths and interests of your child, and will also take over the organization of the educational process. Children can follow an individual educational route at a comfortable pace – this helps them to love the school.