It often happens that a junior high school student complains about the teacher and corresponding angles picture and even refuses to go to class. Some parents, upon learning about this, go to school to clarify relations with the teacher – the offender of their child. But, according to psychologists, you do not need to jump to conclusions which can only harm the child.

So what to do if the child does not like the teacher?
From our article you will learn why there is a conflict between the child and the teacher and how to help a schoolchild in such a situation.

– How a child feels when the relationship with the teacher does not work out.

A school child of six or ten years of age, it is important to have an emotional and personal connection with the adults around him or her. And when the relationship with the school teacher doesn’t work out, the child will feel uncomfortable and aloof.

The schoolboy is overwhelmed with a whole spectrum of all sorts of feelings associated with the experience:

* fear and anger;

* aggression and apathy.

– Why a child might be afraid of a teacher and first grade sight words.

In an impressionable and vulnerable child, the teacher may cause fear. The appearance of such fear may be due to a single episode when the teacher raised his or her voice or scolded the student. This can cause your child to become withdrawn and stop responding in class.

A child who is indulged in everything in the family may treat the teacher badly and show his indiscipline, because he is not used to following the rules. A child who is used to being the “center of the universe” may show resentment toward the teacher for not being asked when he is ready for class and raising his hand.

And as a result, the feeling of resentment becomes mutual: the teacher is also filled with resentment toward the student. And the child behaves worse and worse, aggravating the situation.

– How to help your child with cursive letter tracing.

Trying to help your child, avoid extremes. Don’t run straight to school to have it out with a teacher or administration. Don’t suggest that your child should be patient until he or she passes to middle school. You need to calm down, listen carefully to the child and express sympathy.

The child may have negative feelings about the teacher and has a right to do so. Express your regret about what happened. Try to explain to the child that the teacher is just like any other person. He may have home or work problems that cause annoyance and injustice. This mood can be passed on to children in the classroom.

– What parents should not do.

It is strictly forbidden to discuss the teacher in the presence of children. If the child feels that you share his dislike for the teacher, his opinion will be even more confirmed and it can lead to difficulties in learning and communicating with the teacher.

– How parents should behave in such a situation.

Try to communicate more with the child on general topics. Take an interest in the life of the class and the attitude of the classmates to your child. Ask how the unloved teacher treats the school events to understand his/her character. Try to observe from the sidelines how your child communicates with his or her classmates.

Take part in class activities. After all, through joint activities, you can see the positive sides, get closer to the teacher and find a compromise.

However, it also happens that the teacher is unjustifiably harsh and demanding, and can overstep the boundaries of the permitted and humiliate the child.

If you feel something wrong, you should talk to other parents of your classmates to understand the correctness of your feelings. If they are justified, it is necessary to go to the school principal for a serious talk. It may be necessary to transfer the child to another teacher or to another school.