Every day we face numerous work and personal tasks, which are often solved by e-mail. To keep up with everything, it is important to be mobile and technological! This material is the top of useful life journals that will help you learn to type quickly on your keyboard.

How to learn to type quickly on a keyboard

Learning to write quickly on the keyboard is not as difficult as it seems. It’s quite mechanical work that requires certain skills. Firstly, you will be able to respond to messages faster, which is very useful in emergency situations, and secondly, writing course or work documents from scratch will be much more convenient and easier. Nowadays, fast typing texts of any format is one of the most important everyday tasks faced by every owner of electronic devices. To increase the speed and productivity of writing, it is necessary to remember a few effective lifehaks and try everyone in practice.

How to learn to type quickly on a computer keyboard: Useful Lifehaks
Learning to type quickly is best done on a computer keyboard: the keys are much larger than on a smartphone, and the importance of typing text documents is obvious.

To begin with, remember a simple truth: eyes get tired if you constantly change focus by moving your gaze from the keyboard to the screen and back. That’s why it’s so important to learn how to type in such a way that your eyes are virtually indistinguishable from the screen.

Start training right after reading this material, but in the meantime, read the detailed instructions.

The most difficult step is to learn how to print with all your fingers on the monitor. More often than not, people are working with only two out of ten, because of this you have to constantly change the focus of vision, which leads to rapid fatigue and significantly reduces concentration.
Place your hands above the keyboard so that the nameless fingers of both hands are on the keys with small convex projections: F (Russian A) and J (Russian D).
Place your left fingers on the “F”, “E”, “B”, “A” keys and place your right fingers on “Z”, “D”, “L”, “O” keys. All these letters occupy the middle row of the keyboard, and if the fingers of both hands are in the original position as described, the little finger of the right hand will also be busy. It will take some time to get used to printing this way, but this arrangement has been thought over by specialists and has not been chosen by chance.
Learn to print quickly, but blindly with two hands. Large texts require the most concentration and effort, and in order to be as productive as possible and not to take too long hours, you will have to learn not to be distracted. Arrange a special tactile exam for your fingers: first, remember to literally feel the location of the keys on the keyboard, and then begin to slowly test yourself. Do not take your eyes off the monitor by moving your two hands. At first you will be misled and make mistakes, but very soon you will learn to quickly type blindly with two hands.
If your keyboard is equipped with a mouse, it’s worth remembering the basic keyboard shortcuts that allow you not to switch to using it. Computer and notebook operating systems are designed so that the keyboard allows you to perform various functions with a few stable combinations. Remember the most common ones: this will save you a lot of time while typing.

How to learn to type quickly on a keyboard

Ctrl+C – copy;
Ctrl+X – cut;
Ctrl+V – paste;
Ctrl+Z – undo;
Ctrl+S – save;
Ctrl+F – find the word;
Ctrl+A – select everything;
Shift+→/← – highlight the next letter;
Ctrl+Shift+→/← – highlight the next word;
Ctrl+→/← – go to the next word without backlighting;
Home – go to the beginning of the line;
End – go to the end of the line;
Page Up – to go up;
Page Down – to go down.
By the way, an important fact: frequently used keys are located near the little finger, so it will often participate in common work.

Some key combinations are suitable for use in the browser:
Ctrl + Tab – switch to the next tab;
Ctrl + Shift + Tab – go to the previous tab;
Ctrl + T – open a new tab;
Ctrl + W – close the current tab;
Ctrl + Shift + T – open the tab that has just been closed;
Ctrl + R – refresh the page;
Ctrl + N – open in new window of browser;
Shift + Backspace – go to page forward;
Backspace – to return on one page.
How to learn to print quickly: simulator program
There are special programs that will teach you how to print quickly and easily to memorize key positions. With them, learning will be more successful!