What children lack to study independently
It is very likely that Moscow schoolchildren will not come out of the two-week break, but will start to study remotely. Which children find studying remotely the hardest – and requires too much effort from their parents? Those who in normal school life stubbornly slacks off from homework and is engaged only if you stand over his shoulder. That is, the child simply does not have the skill to study independently. Often the lack of independence – the result of mistakes in upbringing. What are the actions of moms and dads that prevent a child from taking the initiative in the study of grade 3 go math?

You do everything for him.
Of course, it’s easier to snatch your second-grader’s notebook and solve this miserable example in a minute, than to sit around for an hour, encouraging and helping him figure out the equations. But that’s how the child realizes that:

a) he’s too stupid anyway, much stupider than Mom or Dad;

b) if he does nothing, someone will come along and do it for him.

If you have to help your schoolchild with homework, have patience: your child has to do his homework by himself, that’s the whole point of homework with go math grade 4. Independent work is called independent work for a reason.

You don’t study by yourself.
“I have already studied mine, and you come on, sit down for lessons. Such words clearly show children that learning – it is a nasty duty, with which you have to quickly deal, so that never to return to it.

In families where intellectual entertainment is accepted, students learn much more willingly. Watch educational programs and movies together, read not only fairy tales and adventure novels, but also non-fiction – there are such books for children too. On the weekend instead of the mall, you can go to an interactive museum or a science show, and in the summer send the child not to his grandmother, but to a camp. And then discuss everything he learned there.

You don’t let them choose.
Often parents choose everything including 5th grade go math for their children without asking their opinion. Some even tell the child what he or she is supposed to want, “You want to go to math summer camp, period!”

Allow your student to choose his or her own books, clubs, and sections. Create a comfortable environment where he’s not afraid to take the initiative and do things his own way. Give him the opportunity to reason and come to his own conclusions. You may not agree with them, but it will be the first step to developing independence.

You do not answer his questions.
All children are naturally curious, they want to learn. That’s why every kid goes through a stage of “whimsy” and asks hundreds of questions a day. Why does the grass grow up? Why is the snow white? Why is a watermelon sweet? Interest in learning will not fade if parents patiently answer every question, rather than waving them off with “I don’t know, go play.

By the way, if you really don’t know the answer to a question, even better! It’s a great excuse to teach your son or daughter how to search, filter and process information. Look up the answer in a reference book together, search the Internet, recommend a book or podcast on a topic of interest to your son or daughter, or watch a documentary on his or her question together.

You don’t notice your child’s burnout
We associate the term “burnout” with haggard middle managers. But even a first-grader can become overworked and burned out. After all, school is a serious strain: children need to learn new material, worry about grades, build relationships with classmates and teachers.

In addition, most modern children and teenagers attend classes, and not always the ones they really like. Not surprisingly, they can also burn out.

The main sign of burnout is apathy and indifference. The child becomes forgetful and absent-minded, cannot finish what he starts. All this is not laziness, but a defense mechanism of the exhausted psyche.

There are other red flags: the boy or girl stops communicating with friends, loses interest in games, sleeps poorly, often snapped at or is withdrawn into himself. If you recognize your situation in this description, reconsider your schedule and see a psychologist immediately. This is definitely not the time to require your child to show progress and break records. He needs your help.